Student Planner

Introducing the Student Planner for Investigator and Pioneer Students!

Elevate your student's academic journey with our student planner designed specifically for Investigator and Pioneer level students. *(If you have a Scout or Discovery level student click HERE for their student planner.) 

This innovative planner empowers students to take charge of their schedules, fostering a sense of responsibility, time management skills, and organization that will last a lifetime. 

Blank label spaces are ready to be personalized according to each student's unique schedule and responsibilities. Whether it's inserting classes by subject or adding chores and service commitments, our planner adapts to fit their needs.

Using this planner also prepares students for an easy transition into our Pioneer Planner for post-graduation adult years!

Key Features:

Equip your students for success in school and in life with our Student Planner. 

Some sample ideas on how a student might choose to use their planner spaces.