Discovery Students

Discovery is for students who have the ability to write sentences and begin to reason on their learnings. Materials focus on things like penmanship, introductory note taking, reading advancement, and logical thinking. Skills in listening are honed by implementing tally areas for how many times they noticed Jehovah's name said or how many scriptures they heard during a talk, while areas to draw and/or take simple notes are allotted for information retention and retelling. The ability to express in their own manner what they heard gives adults insight on individual learning styles for next stages of development and  at-home teaching, while also allowing the student the freedom to retain what they hear without being told what's most important. 

At this stage of development kids are thinking more logically about what they are learning. They will grasp the simple things and begin to build on those facts by asking questions, LOTS of them! Drawings are becoming much more detailed and purposeful and paint stories centered around topics they are learning, including moral and ethical principals. 

Materials will spiral in some early Investigator level skills to aid in advancement and avoid overwhelm with complete unfamiliarity as they move up in levels.

General guidelines for Discovery students-

Cognitive Characteristics: 

Educational Focus: 

*It's important to remember that not all students will progress at the same rate. While your student may not meet all of the above guidelines, we recommend choosing the one that best describes your student currently. It is at the parents discretion as to when they want to try the next level to challenge their students. Our intent with tailoring materials and resources to these cognitive development levels is to ensure that homeschoolers receive age-appropriate and intellectually stimulating content for their spiritual and educational growth.